"I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you’re going to innovate."
About Me
I pursue passions not paychecks.
Years of chemistry and material lab experience to have solid knowledge of both organic and inorganic chemistry. Specialized in robotic high-throughput synthesis and characterization and experienced in application of machine learning in chemistry. Highly self-motivated, determined, fast-learning and productive researcher.
Research Area
- Discovering Novel Metal Halide Perovskites and Reactions Mechanisms using High-Throughput Synthesis and Characterization and Machine Learning.
- Synthesis and Photochemistry Study of Photo-Activated Carbon Monoxide Releasing Moieties (photoCORMs) for therapeutic application.
- Understanding device performance of small-molecule based photovoltaic cells.
- Synthesis of organic small molecule semiconductors and their application as donor material for organic photovoltaic cells.
- Publications
- Zhi Li, Mansoor Ani Najeeb, Liana Alves, Alyssa Z. Sherman, Venkateswaran Shekar, Peter Cruz Parrilla, Ian M. Pendleton, Philip W. Nega, Matthias Zeller, Joshua Schrier, Alex J. Norquist, Emory M. Chan, “Robot-Accelerated Perovskite Investigation and Discovery” Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 5650.
- Zhi Li, Agustin E. Pierri, Po-Ju Huang, Guang Wu, Alexei V. Iretskii and Peter C. Ford*. “Dinuclear PhotoCORMs: Dioxygen-Assisted CO Uncaging from Long Wavelength Absorbing Metal-Metal Bonded Carbonyl Complexes”, Inorg. Chem. 2017, 56, 6094.
- Zhi Li, Guangrui He, Xiangjian Wan, Yongsheng Liu, Jiaoyan Zhou, Guankui Long, Yi Zuo, Yongsheng Chen*. “Solution processable rhodanine-based small molecule organic photovoltaic cells with high power conversion efficiency”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2012, 2, 74.
- Zhi Li, Jason D.A. Lin, Hung Phan, Alexander Sharenko, Christopher M. Proctor, Peter Zalar, Zhihua Chen, Antonio Facchetti and Thuc-Quyen Nguyen*. “Competitive Absorption and Inefficient Exciton Harvesting: Lessons Learned from BHJ OPVs Utilizing the Polymer Acceptor P(NDI2OD-T2)”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014, 24, 6989.
- Ian Pendleton, Mary Caucci, Michael Tynes, Aaron Dharna, Mansoor Ani Nellikkal, Zhi Li, Emory Chan, Alexander Norquist, Joshua Schrier*. "Can Machines ‘Learn’ Halide Perovskite Crystal Formation Without Accurate Physicochemical Features?", J. Phys. Chem. C. 2020, 124, 13982.
- Ian M. Pendleton, Gary Cattabriga, Zhi Li, Mansoor Ani Najeeb, Sorelle A. Friedler, Alex J. Norquist, Emory Chan, Joshua Schrier, “Experiment Specification, Capture and Laboratory Automation Technology (ESCALATE): A software pipeline for automated chemical experimentation and data management” MRS Communications, 2019, 9, 846.
- Sierra C. Marker, Samantha N. MacMillan, Warren R. Zipfel, Zhi Li, Peter C. Ford and Justin J. Wilson*. “Photoactivated in Vitro Anticancer Activity of Rhenium(I) Tricarbonyl Complexes Bearing Water-Soluble Phosphines”, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 1311.
- Leandro P. Ravaroa*, Ana C. Mafud, Zhi Li, Eric Reinheimer, Carlos A. Simone, Yvonne P. Mascarenhas, Peter C. Ford, Andrea S.S. de Camargo*. “New emissive mononuclear copper (I) complex: Structural and photophysical characterization focusing on solvatochromism, rigidochromism and oxygen sensing in mesoporous solid matrix”, Dyes and Pigments. 2018, 159, 464.
- Jianyu Yuan*, Michael J. Ford, Yannan Zhang, Huilong Dong, Zhi Li, Youyong Li, Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, Guillermo C. Bazan*, and Wanli Ma*. “Toward Thermal Stable and High Photovoltaic Efficiency Ternary Conjugated Copolymers: Influence of Backbone Fluorination and Regioselectivity”, Chem. Mater. 2017, 29, 1758.
- Guangrui He, Xiangjian Wan, Zhi Li, Qian Zhang, Guankui Long, Yongsheng Liu, Yanhui Hou, Mingtao Zhang and Yongsheng Chen*. “Impact of fluorinated end groups on the properties of acceptor-donor-acceptor type oligothiophenes for solution-processed photovoltaic cells” J. Mater. Chem. 2014. 2. 1337.
- Guankui Long, Xiangjian Wan*, Bin Kan, Yongsheng Liu, Guangrui He, Zhi Li, Yawei Zhang, Yi Zhang, Qian Zhang, Mingtao Zhang, and Yongsheng Chen*. “Investigation of Quinquethiophene Derivatives with Different End Groups for High Open Circuit Voltage Solar Cells” Adv. Energy Mater. 2013, 3, 639.
- Jiaoyan Zhou, Yi Zuo, Xiangjian Wan, Guankui Long, Qian Zhang, Wang Ni, Yongsheng Liu, Zhi Li, Guangrui He, Chenxi Li, Bin Kan, Miaomiao Li, and Yongsheng Chen*. “Solution-Processed and High-Performance Organic Solar Cells Using Small Molecules with a Benzodithiophene Unit” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 8484.
- Guangrui He, Zhi Li, Xiangjian Wan, Jiaoyan Zhou, Guankui Long, Shuzhong Zhang, Mingtao Zhang, Yongsheng Chen*. “Efficient small molecule bulk heterojunction solar cells with high fill factors via introduction of π -stacking moieties as end group”, J. Mater. Chem. A. 2013, 1, 1801.
- Guankui Long , Xiangjian Wan*, Jiaoyan Zhou , Yongsheng Liu , Zhi Li , Guangrui He , Mingtao Zhang , Yanhui Hou , Yongsheng Chen*. Isothianaphthene-Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Photovoltaic Cells” Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2012, 213, 1596.
- Guangrui He,Zhi Li, Xiangjian Wan, Yongsheng Liu, Jiaoyan Zhou, Guankui Long, Mingtao Zhang and Yongsheng Chen*. “Impact of dye end groups on acceptor–donor–acceptor type molecules for solution-processed photovoltaic cells”, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 9173.
- Jiaoyan Zhou, Xiangjian Wan, Yongsheng Liu, Yi Zuo, Zhi Li, Guangrui He, Guankui Long, Wang Ni, Chenxi Li, Xuncheng Su, and Yongsheng Chen*. “Small Molecules Based on Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b]dithiophene Unit for High-Performance Solution-Processed Organic Solar Cells” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 16345.
- Chaoyong Liu, Lixia Long, Zhi Li, Bin He, Liuheng Wang, Jiapeng Wang, Xubo Yuan, Jing Sheng. “Hollow poly(MPC-g-PEG-b-PLA) graft copolymer microcapsule as a potential drug carrier” Journal of Microencapsulation. 2012, 29, 242.
- Jiaoyan Zhou, Xiangjian Wan, Yongsheng Liu, Guankui Long, Fei Wang, Zhi Li, Yi Zuo, Chenxi Li, Yongsheng Chen. “A planar small molecule with dithienosilole core for high efficiency” Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 4666.
- Yanhui Hou*, Huikai Wang, Zhi Li, Yongsheng Liu, Xiangjian Wan, Xiaosong Xue, Yongsheng Chen*, Ao Yu*. “Organic radicals based on phenalenyl and verdazyl units”, Tetrahedron Letters. 2011, 52, 3670.
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